Mateo here.
Welcome to Miedlena newsletter number four. Unlike last month, this one is probably going to be a little disjointed, so hold on tight. (Lots of parentheticals ahead.)
May was sort of quiet for Miedlena. I had to spend a lot of time doing some engine work on the van. Also, I spent some time doing campaign work for a certain presidential candidate. I was hoping I could squeeze out the next album release before this month's newsletter, but well, here we are.
Did you know that I went to UC Berkeley? Well, I did. They even gave me a degree before I left. While I was there I spent a lot of time listening to the university's radio station, KALX. One night in December I called the station and requested “Christmas Time Is Here” by the Vince Guaraldi Trio. Pretty much right after I hung up the phone, the song came on the air. I stood there in the kitchen and listened to it come through the little FM radio that sat on top of the fridge, and got all wistful. I still listen to KALX regularly, mostly on my computer while doing the kind of things that can be done while listening to music. (Writing this newsletter is one of those things. Right now however, I am listening to KXLU.)
I bring this up because I sent copies of that album I released last month (“MKID”) to a handful of college radio stations, and KALX is playing it! I am excited about this for three reasons. One, as you already know, I love KALX. Two, KALX is one of the bigger college radio stations in the USA. Three, I actually got in touch with the music director at a college radio station, which is not always an easy thing to do, in my experience. (The album might be getting airplay on stations across the country, but other than KALX, I have no idea.)
And now this: Robert is on tour right now with Trash Mullet. (Not currently a Miedlena band, but they might end up one if Delaney ever figures out how to make me record her.) They went all the way to the East Coast, and they're on their way back to Los Angeles now. Gibbons is leaving in the morning to meet up with them in New Mexico. Tonight they're playing at the First Pastafarian Church of Norman, Oklahoma. That's all I have to say about that. But wait! Gibbons is right here and he has some things to say about it. (Warning, he uses cuss-words.) Here's Gibbons:
As much fun as I’m sure he’s having, I have a real bone to pick with Robert. That bastard started whacking weeds a few weeks ago and somehow got it into his head that he’d skip town and join a dear friend’s country band playing leads on a guitar and left me to fend for myself in this fucked up city. How strong does he think I am? Does he truly think I have what it takes to get along without him here? Well if that’s the case, he was heavily mistaken’. I’m packing up shop and heading out to the southwest to go find my damn husband and try to get some direction back in my life. Call me selfish or weak if you’d like…. I am! Au revoir Los Angeles!
Last thing I'll say for now is that I produced a couple of tracks for an album of almighty Opp covers. (If you don't know about almighty Opp: it is, in the most banal sense, a monthly puppet show that happens on the sidewalk at the corner of Western and Elmwood in Korea Town.) I'm going to get back to work finishing up the second track once I'm done writing this newsletter. I'll try to let you know when those tracks get released, but they're pretty much out of my hands once I send them off, so who knows.
As usual, feel free to unsubscribe, or tell your friends to subscribe, or hit “reply” and tell me whatever thoughts you might be having at the moment. Physical mail is also very much appreciated. If you send me a postcard or a package or something, I'll probably send you something in return. My address is down in the footer at the end of this email.
Until next month, thanks for reading, and best wishes,
Gibbons says “Hi.”
Upcoming shows:
June 17 – Circus of Books @ the Church of F.U.N.
June 24 – Circus of Books @ the Honey Trap
June 25 (afternoon) – Circus of Books @ the Command Center
June 25 (evening) – Miedlena artists @ The White Cube
Upcoming album releases:
Mr. Strauss - Mr. Strauss Learns to Rock
Mateo Katsu - White Men Don't Name Their Babies Jesus EP
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