Happy New Year.
Me and some of the guys in Santa Youth have a problem. We always fall in love. Constantly. I bring this up because, very early in the tour last month, we realized that something was different. This would be the tour that we would turn the tables, and people would start falling in love with us for a change.
We played so good. Every show. Sure, there were sloppy moments, but Santa Youth was founded on sloppy moments. Back in the Winter of 2011, the band was merely a brainchild of the Reverend Joe H. Borfo, who quickly abandoned the group as an active member in order to father actual human children.
That which began as an odd bit of performance art, slowly morphed into something that people seem to have taken somewhat seriously. Given that, I revised the lineup slightly in 2012, and made sure that we actually had enough rehearsals to perform the set. We became a pretty good band. (That is an inside joke with me and the rest of the band. In fact, we are all amazing musicians and we play together as if with one mind.)
Over the course of five Winters (and one Spring in Texas), Santa Youth came to reflect not only the efforts of its members, but of the community from which we sprang. Like all good things should, however, it has come to an end. This past New Year's Eve we played our last show, and I want to extend my sincerest thanks to those who have contributed their efforts to the group. We truly could not have done it without you.
"And to all a good night."
In other news, Matthew Teardrop has a talk show. The Nashville Brothers played on the pilot. Mateo Katsu is going to play the next one. The Matthew Teardrop Orchestra has been playing shows again and is sounding AMAZING.
This blog has continued to be supportive of Mateo Katsu releases. Check them out if you like music blogs.
An old Manhattan Murder Mystery album called Women House is currently being re-released, and will soon be available on most major online platforms. The new and eternally-soon-to-be-released Manhattan Murder Mystery album might (cross your fingers) get picked up by a major label. (Probably not, but like I said, cross your fingers.)
Best wishes,
P.S. There are still Santa Youth CDs and tapes available via mail order here. There are shirts, too. Send me an email for size and color availability if you want one.
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